By Adam Pagnucco.

In a blast email sent yesterday, Congressman David Trone – who is running for U.S. Senate – released a platform of good government reforms.  Many of these reforms are priorities of either the left or the right and would have a substantial impact on Washington in the unlikely event that they are adopted.  In any case, this is a substantial package of policy proposals from Trone.  Will his opponent, Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, support any of them?

Trone’s email is reprinted below.


Subject Line: Trone Launches People Over Politics Reforms Aimed at Repairing a Broken Washington


January 24, 2024


Trone, who has never taken PAC or lobbyist contributions, would ban PAC and lobbyist contributions, institute term limits, ban individual stock trades by members of Congress and expand the size of the House to give power to the American people and end the broken status quo.

Gaithersburg, Md. – Today, Congressman David Trone, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, launched a new policy agenda titled ‘People Over Politics Reforms,’ aimed at reforming Washington and building a Congress that works for the American people.

Trone, who has never accepted PAC and lobbyist contributions and would be the only member of the Senate to refuse to do so, said that this agenda was built around his experience in Washington and the persistent message of frustration with the government he hears from voters across the state. His new proposal calls for a constitutional amendment that fundamentally changes the way that Congress and federal elected officials function.

Read the full proposal here.

The 6-step agenda includes:

1. Term limits for Members of Congress

Members of the House will be subject to a 6-term limit and Senators a two-term limit, both totaling 12 years. Trone has partnered with Congressman Ro Khanna (CA-17) to move forward a bill instituting term limits and has committed to being the Senate leader on the legislation.

2. Ban on individual stock trading for Members of Congress

Federal elected officials would be banned from trading individual stocks and would be required to place their assets in a qualified blind trust during their time in public office.

3. Ban on PAC and lobbyist contributions and ban on becoming a registered lobbyist after leaving public office

Federal elected officials would be banned from taking contributions from PACs, lobbyists, and corporations. They would also be subject to a lifetime ban on becoming a registered lobbyist following their time in public office. If elected to the Senate, Trone would be the only U.S. Senator who refuses campaign contributions from PACs and lobbyists.

4. Term limits and increased ethics requirements in the federal judicial system

Federal judges, including Supreme Court Justices, would be subject to an 18-year term limit on the bench. They would be held to the same ethics and financial disclosure standards as federal elected officials, requiring assets be placed in a qualified blind trust and banning them from trading individual stocks.

5. Strengthened voting rights and an end to gerrymandering

The Department of Justice would be empowered to make racial gerrymandering a federal crime and a new, strengthened Voting Rights Act would ensure that all Americans have access to the ballot box.

6. Improve representation by increasing the size of the House of Representatives to 585

The House of Representatives would immediately increase to 585 members and be tied to population increases each census, keeping in line with the original intent of our nation’s founders. This would lead to better representation, smaller districts, and a new generation of leaders with bold ideas for our future.

Statement from Congressman David Trone:

“Washington is broken, and the American people are paying the price. Corporations and special interests have spent decades using PACs and lobbyists to buy their way to influence while career politicians refuse to think further ahead than their next election.

“I’ve never taken a nickel from PACs or lobbyists because I understand the system is rigged against everyday American families. In the Senate, it will be my top priority to change that. The People Over Politics Reforms will serve as a blueprint for a Washington that serves the American people, not corporations, special interests, and career politicians. I’ve spent my life beating rigged systems and being a disruptor — and that’s exactly what I’ll do in the U.S. Senate.”
