By Adam Pagnucco.

Below are the top ten stories on Montgomery Perspective in July 2024, ranked by page views.

1. Does this Assistant Principal Deserve Another Chance?

2. Rockville City Council Votes to Not Further Consider Rent Control

3. University of Maryland Explains its Hiring of McKnight

4. MCPS Paid Beidleman’s Defense Attorneys

5. Inspector General Finds “Wasteful Spending” in MCPS Electric Bus Contract

6. Raskin’s Letter to Biden

7. Beidleman Scandal Cost Taxpayers More Than $2 Million

8. MoCo Economy Keeps Lagging, Part Six

9. Thomas Taylor’s Employment Contract

10. Did Beidleman Get a Post-Employment Agreement?

Once again, MCPS dominated our top ten list, accounting for seven posts.  Most of those posts concerned events prior to the hiring of new Superintendent Thomas Taylor.  This outlines Taylor’s short-term challenge: he has to get control of the system, and that means putting his own team in place.  That will take a while, but if the same crew that produced these posts is allowed to remain, that will hinder Taylor’s tenure at MCPS.

On to August!