Council Member Roger Berliner sent the following analysis of the county budget situation – and especially the prospect of furloughs in the schools – to his constituents. While he does…
Budget and Taxes
Floreen on MCPS Furloughs
Council President Nancy Floreen has been sending out the following letter to residents on the possibility of furloughs in MCPS.Dear Resident: Thank you for your correspondence about the possibility of…
Floreen Comments on the School Budget
Weast Whips the Council!
Holy Cross Hospital, Montgomery General Hospital and Suburban Hospital have sent a joint letter to the County Executive and the County Council asking for a reduced energy tax increase (which…
Panhandlers of MoCo
Montgomery County is the Economic Engine of Maryland. The county accounts for one-sixth of the state’s population, one-fifth of its employment and tax receipts, one-fourth of its personal income and…
Push Poll on Berliner Carbon Tax
Multiple sources have reported receiving phone calls amounting to “push polls” on Council Member Roger Berliner’s proposal to tax carbon emissions from Mirant’s fossil fuel power plant in Dickerson. The…
SEIU: Stop the MCPS Furloughs!
From SEIU Local 500 President Merle Cuttitta, whose union represents school support staff.
In the clearest sign yet of labor discontent with the County Council, the Metro Washington AFL-CIO has suspended its endorsement process for council candidates because of the county budget “crisis”…
SEIU Rings Alarm Bell on Furloughs
SEIU Local 500 President Merle Cuttitta sent out the following email to her members about school system furloughs today.Dear [Member], Your phone call or email today could not be more…