The latest Overview of State Aid to Local Governments contains two quick facts about Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) that state policymakers need to understand.First, MCPS leads the state in…
MCPS Superintendent Jerry Weast sent a memo to the Board of Education and an email to MCPS staff on Friday indicating his intention to cut 252 classroom positions in the…
On the Post’s War Against MCEA, Part Three
The Washington Post has twice depicted the Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) as a “toxic influence” seeking to “squeeze enormous concessions” from MoCo taxpayers despite conclusive data to the contrary….
On the Post’s War Against MCEA, Part Two
The Post has alleged in two editorials that the Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) has abused its political power “to squeeze enormous concessions from the school system in past contract…
MCEA Bargaining and Budget Update
The Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) is bargaining a new contract with the Montgomery County Public Schools, as are SEIU Local 500 and the supervisors’ union. This video is a…
Digging into Advanced Placement
By Marc Korman. The Washington Post’s top notch education columnist, Jay Mathews, recently wrote about Advanced Placement Grade Reports. The reports give data behind the headline numbers of how many…
MCPS Superintendent Jerry Weast has written a memo to the Board of Education comparing MCPS to Fairfax County Public Schools on Advanced Placement (AP) exam performance in 2009. The results…
Grasmick’s Drop-Dead Letter to MoCo
Yesterday, the Examiner reported that State Superintendent of Schools Nancy Grasmick denied County Executive Ike Leggett’s request for reconsideration of the county’s $46 million fine. Here is exactly what Grasmick…
Maintenance of Effort is a Smart Law
By Eric Luedtke. As a teacher, I’ve had the opportunity to work with some extraordinary children. But some of their parents have been just as extraordinary. Year after year, I’ve…
And so it has begun. MCPS Superintendent Jerry Weast has fired the first shot in what may be his last and greatest battle: the fight over the Fiscal Year 2011…