By Adam Pagnucco. Maryland is one of the wealthiest states in the nation, regularly finishing near the top in average income statistics. It also has a gigantic structural deficit reaching…
Top Stories: February 2025
By Adam Pagnucco. Below are the top ten stories on Montgomery Perspective in February 2025, ranked by page views. 1. Federal Contractors Begin Mass Layoffs 2. Moore Tax Hike Targets…
By Adam Pagnucco. Recently, Maryland Matters reported on HB 1469, a bill by Delegates Emily Shetty and Joseline Pena-Melnyk establishing a new two cents per ounce tax on “sugary beverages.” …
How is This Progressive? Part Two
By Adam Pagnucco. In Part One, a Montgomery County taxpayer making roughly $55,000 a year calculated that she would pay nearly four times more in income taxes if Governor Wes…
How is This Progressive? Part One
By Adam Pagnucco. Many, perhaps most, Democratic state elected officials in Maryland think of themselves as progressive. And the notion of progressive taxation has been used to market Governor Wes…
Moore’s Middle Class Tax Hike
By Adam Pagnucco. Governor Wes Moore’s budget and tax package has been widely depicted as progressive in the media. And there is reason to believe that. Two of its more…
Moore Tax Hike Targets MoCo
By Adam Pagnucco. Maryland’s Bureau of Revenue Estimates (BRE) has released its analysis of Governor Wes Moore’s income tax package and it demonstrates an unsurprising fact: The governor has targeted…
By Adam Pagnucco. Council Member Kristin Mink is planning to introduce a tax on single family home demolitions to fund the county’s affordable housing program. Earlier this month, Mink indicated…
Impact Tax Collapse Damages Capital Budget
By Adam Pagnucco. In a budget message sent yesterday, County Executive Marc Elrich is blaming a collapse in impact tax collections for his recommended cut to the Capital Improvements Program…
By Adam Pagnucco. The State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT), which assesses real property values in all Maryland counties, has released its new assessments for 2025. And in the…