By Marc Korman. In Part One, I took a look at the first three questions of “What to Watch for in 2009.” In Part Two, I will discuss questions 4…
I-270 Issue Far From Over
The Montgomery County Council has signaled a consensus in favor of Council President Phil Andrews’ proposal to add two reversible lanes on I-270. But this issue is nowhere close to…
Maryland Transportation Authority in Trouble
At a recent meeting of Montgomery and Prince George’s County state legislators, the state’s Department of Legislative Services (DLS) made a detailed presentation on the state’s transportation prospects. We have…
Warning Signs for Transportation, Part Two
By Marc Korman. In Part One, we looked at some of the troubling recent developments in transportation. Today we will look at some of the more positive developments.While Maryland has…
Warning Signs for Transportation, Part One
By Marc Korman. On both the policy and political fronts, efforts to address transportation woes in our region are under siege.In August, Governor O’Malley and the Board of Public Works…
Business and Labor Agree on I-270
In an unusual statement of agreement between business and labor, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce President Gigi Godwin and MCGEO President Gino Renne submitted a joint statement of support for…
Widening Projects Abound
I-270 is not the only road widening project under consideration by the state. The Maryland Department of Transportation is proposing to widen I-97 between Baltimore and Annapolis and to widen…
No Sane on Wayne
Peeved at Purple Line pontification? Why not take a poke at an MTA bureaucrat? That’s what one pugnacious Purple protestor did last night. Perish the thought, people!Last night, Silver Spring…
Two-Seventy Two-Step
Some people favor widening I-270 as one component of dealing with the corridor’s infamous state of gridlock. Other people oppose widening and would like to see an all-transit solution. Those…
Transportation in Trouble
Starting next year, the State of Maryland will be spending less money on transportation projects than it did nine years ago. That’s right folks, you read that correctly. And if…