By Adam Pagnucco.

Council Member Kristin Mink has issued apologies for her statements on Muslims and white supremacists as well as “Zionist Jews.”  Her expressions of regret did not satisfy the Montgomery County Muslim Council, which has written her demanding an “immediate public apology and retraction.”  The Muslim Council’s letter to Mink is reprinted below.


June 13, 2023

Ms. Kristen Mink

Montgomery County Council, Maryland

Cc: Montgomery County School Board; Montgomery County Council, MCDCC

Subject: Demand for Immediate Public Apology and Retraction

Dear Councilmember Mink,

We write to you with utmost concern regarding your recent statements made during the Montgomery County School Board meeting on June 6th. In your comments you accused the Montgomery County Muslim community as being in sync with white supremacists regarding matters of school curriculum. The content of your testimony has been deeply disappointing and offensive to the Muslim community of Montgomery County and beyond. We demand you will not only retract your comments but offer a public apology, not just a written statement, to the community that feels offended.

Your assertion, singling out the Muslim community and equating their expression of beliefs with white supremacy, is not only highly disrespectful but also displays ignorance and prejudice. Such inflammatory remarks serve to perpetuate harmful stereotypes, fuel division, and undermine the principles of inclusivity and respect that we strive to uphold in our diverse community.

As you must be aware, it is not only the Muslim community but adherents of many faiths who have taken exception to the inclusion of certain topics in Montgomery County Schools at the Elementary school level. This matter is now under review by the board and is being pursued in courts.

We want to remind you that the Muslim community, including individuals from various racial and ethnic backgrounds, has long faced discrimination and marginalization. Your sweeping generalizations and derogatory comments not only disparage Muslim families who have peacefully voiced their concerns but also disregard the experiences and contributions of countless Black and Brown Muslims within our community. It is inexcusable to label an entire community with such derogatory terms.

As an elected representative of a district with a significant Muslim population, you bear the responsibility to be mindful of the impact your words can have on the communities you serve.

We feel your statement expressing regret issued on June 11 stating that your “…remarks were focused on promoting inclusion, they created an opportunity for misunderstanding” hardly addresses the matter. Frankly there is no misunderstanding in what you have said when you equated “some Muslim families on the same side as white supremacists and outright bigots”.

You should recognize the offense your remarks have caused. We hope and expect you will withdraw your remarks and issue a heartfelt public apology. We also hope you will make an effort to get better educated about the diversity that exists within the Muslim community of Montgomery County.

We expect your prompt and sincere response to this matter, as the urgency of rectifying the harm caused cannot be overstated. The MCMC and the Muslim community at large deserve a public acknowledgment of your mistake and a genuine effort to repair the damage done.


Board of Directors

Montgomery County Muslim Council

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