By Adam Pagnucco.

Below are the top ten stories on Montgomery Perspective in June 2024, ranked by page views.

1. MCPS Reshuffles Central Office Ahead of New Superintendent

2. Principals Told to Prepare for Staffing Reductions

3. Are Layoffs Necessary at MCPS?

4. Showdown at the School Board

5. Stafford County Public Schools vs MCPS

6. How to Prevent Layoffs or Furloughs in MCPS, Part Two

7. Superintendent Comments on School Staffing

8. A Moment with Monifa

9. MCEA: No Layoffs but Furloughs Possible

10. Will the County Council Rescue Elrich?

Looking at this list, you might think that virtually the only subject I wrote about in June was MCPS.  That’s not true of course.  But the school district was so dominant for readers that the third post on the above list (Are Layoffs Necessary at MCPS?) was actually written in May but continued to attract readers during the following month.  This is a sign of just how much MoCo residents care about their schools.  As one of my sources said a long time ago, “Who needs religion?  In this county, we have MCPS.”

While the last year was a bad one for the school system, change has arrived in the new superintendent, Dr. Thomas Taylor.  My source network is hopeful and optimistic about him.  He is an MCPS graduate, definitely has a sense of humor and has already begun communicating directly with the community.  He benefits from a contrast with his predecessors.

MCPS has many critics.  A few are nihilists who fundamentally don’t believe in public schools.  But most just want the greatness they deserve.  Taylor is now the most-watched public figure in Montgomery County.  As his tenure goes, so goes the fortunes of MCPS and along with them, the welfare of the entire county.

On to July!

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