By Adam Pagnucco. Remember the county’s $120 million budget shortfall? While up to half of it may have been caused by tax planning by rich people, the rest was in…
Budget and Taxes
The View From 2007
By Adam Pagnucco. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a newish county blogger and professor named David Lublin reached out to a then-young civic activist who…
By Glenn Orlin. In a recent piece in Seventh State it was argued that so-called “placeholder” projects have no place in the Montgomery County Public Schools capital program. But there…
By Laura Stewart. Have you ever heard of the term “placeholder” in the county budget? I never had, until as a PTA President, I started to advocate for an elementary…
MoCo’s Skyrocketing Debt
By Adam Pagnucco. Last fall, County Executive Ike Leggett proposed cutting the volume of new general obligation bonds issued by the county in future years and the County Council concurred…
By Adam Pagnucco. In the wake of the failure of his bill that would have phased out a special property tax break for MoCo country clubs, the Facebook page of…
By Adam Pagnucco. Yesterday, we wrote about the recent history of MCPS and it was not a pretty picture. The recession, new state laws, political conflict and the erosion of…
Where Will the Apple Drop?
By Adam Pagnucco. Many moons ago, when your author was young and blissfully new to the county, we wrote our very first blog post on the mighty Apple Ballot. It…
MoCo After Discovery
By Adam Pagnucco. Word of Discovery Communications’ exit from Silver Spring has exploded like a bomb in local politics, prompting attacks by the state Democrats on Governor Larry Hogan and…
By Adam Pagnucco. In 2014, candidate Larry Hogan ran on three issues: jobs, taxes and reforming Annapolis. From 2015 through the present, Governor Larry Hogan has based his agenda on…