Guest column by Lynne Harris, Candidate for Montgomery County Board of Education At-Large. Reopening schools – safely – is critical. As an MCPS teacher, parent, a nurse and a public…
Would Question B Harm Schools?
By Adam Pagnucco. One of the key claims made by some opponents of Question B (Robin Ficker’s latest charter amendment on taxes) is that it will harm schools by limiting…
Guest column by Dr. Sunil Dasgupta, Candidate for Montgomery County Board of Education At-Large. MCPS’s decision to start the 45 day clock on potentially reopening school buildings is premature. While…
By Adam Pagnucco. In one of his patented straight talk moments, Council Member Craig Rice has implored residents to wear masks and heed social distancing requirements if they want schools…
Top Seventh State Stories, August 2020
By Adam Pagnucco. These were the top stories on Seventh State in August ranked by page views. 1. The Squeaky Wheel and Inequities Hiding in Plain Sight2. Is Talbot County…
MCPS to Go Virtual Only Through January
By Adam Pagnucco. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has announced that it will offer virtual learning only through January 29, 2021. Their community update is reprinted below. ***** MCPS To…
MCEA President Responds to MCPS Video
By Adam Pagnucco. Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) President Chris Lloyd has released the video below as a message to MCEA members in reaction to the MCPS video on the…
By Adam Pagnucco. Editor’s note: this post has been updated to include Washington County, Maryland. In the aftermath of discussion about MCPS’s reopening plans, let’s take a look at what…
By Adam Pagnuccco. Last night, the Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) held a town hall with its members to share its recent discussions with MCPS on a range of issues,…
By Sunil Dasgupta, candidate for Montgomery County Board of Education, At-large. Students, families, and school staff are waiting anxiously as MCPS debates what school will look like in the fall….