By Adam Pagnucco. Rent control supporters frequently allege astronomical rent hikes in making their case for tough legislation such as the Jawando-Mink-Elrich rent control bill. Statements in support of that…
rent control
By Adam Pagnucco. The county council’s Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) has released economic impact statements on the council’s two rent control bills and they conclude what the overwhelming majority…
By Adam Pagnucco. In my recent series on rent control, I outlined Takoma Park’s terrible record of building housing under its tough rent control law. Specifically, the city has been…
Guest column by Salim Furth. Relatively tight rent regulation has been in place in the City of Takoma Park since 1981, although the specifics of the law have changed several…
Rent Control: A Regional Comparison
By Adam Pagnucco. Rent control laws are far from uniform. They contain many provisions on their allowable increases, exemptions, new construction, hardship petitions by landlords and many other issues. Perhaps…
Should MoCo Adopt Rent Control? Part Four
By Adam Pagnucco. Unless your goal is to stop construction of new housing, rent control of the kind practiced in Takoma Park is not the answer to Montgomery County’s housing…
Should MoCo Adopt Rent Control? Part Three
By Adam Pagnucco. Let’s imagine that you are saving for retirement. As you are exploring investment options, you come across a fund that caps its rate of return. You could…
Should MoCo Adopt Rent Control? Part Two
By Adam Pagnucco. Two sizeable jurisdictions in the Washington region have rent control. One of them is the District of Columbia, which has a rent control law with several exemptions. …
Should MoCo Adopt Rent Control? Part One
By Adam Pagnucco. Last week, County Executive Marc Elrich and a majority of county council members announced that they were introducing competing rent control bills. Whether one favors it or…
By Adam Pagnucco. In separate press releases, County Executive Marc Elrich and most members of the county council have announced their intent to introduce competing rent control bills. This sets…